It is impossible to clean and protect the sections of your teeth that are under the gumline, even with perfect oral hygiene habits. Dr. Olivia Park offers deep dental cleanings to remove the plaque and tartar that builds up in this and other areas of your mouth that are difficult to clean.

Deep dental cleanings are typically recommended to help treat or prevent gum disease and other conditions. If you have been diagnosed with gum disease, you should receive deep cleanings regularly to help prevent more severe damage from the disease and future bone loss. During your appointment, our dentist will evaluate your mouth to determine the exact state of your oral health and if any additional treatments will be needed.

When you receive a deep cleaning, our dentist will thoroughly clean your teeth above and below the gumline to remove harmful bacteria, plaque and calculus from your teeth. This will including scaling and polishing your teeth to smooth them and reduce the likeliness of attracting bacteria and harmful deposits. Dr. Park may also take the opportunity to check for other problematic developments below the gumline, such as tooth decay.

To schedule your appointment and learn more about deep dental cleanings in Shafter, California, contact Adept Dental Shafter today at 661-746-6989.